Start: 2011.11.10 Name: 脱サラトレーダー Currency: USD 2012 October 24, 11:00
Balance: 863.00
Gross Profit: 56.59 Gross Loss: 193.59 Total Net Profit: -137.00
Profit Factor: 0.29 Expected Payoff: -0.25  
Absolute Drawdown: 150.40 Maximal Drawdown: 186.95 (18.04%) Relative Drawdown: 18.04% (186.95)
Total Trades: 540 Short Positions (won %): 30 (100.00%) Long Positions (won %): 510 (80.20%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 439 (81.30%) Loss trades (% of total): 101 (18.70%)
Largest profit trade: 0.20 loss trade: -5.22
Average profit trade: 0.13 loss trade: -1.92
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 270 (36.55) consecutive losses ($): 68 (-186.95)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 36.55 (270) consecutive loss (count): -186.95 (68)
Average consecutive wins: 55 consecutive losses: 14